Generate creative ideas that lead to innovative solutions to Complex Problems with a snap of your finger
- Master the top skills ALL employers look for in their staff
- Boost your employability
- Eliminate fear of job obsolescence by robotic, automation & AI

Generate creative ideas that lead to innovative solutions to Complex Problems with a snap of your finger
- Master the top skills ALL employers look for in their staff
- Boost your employability
- Eliminate fear of job obsolescence by robotic, automation & AI
- Why Sign Up?
- Course Description
- Why are we Dramatically Different?
- Proof that we can Deliver
- Why Sign Up?
- Course Description
- Why are we Dramatically Different?
- Proof that we can Deliver
- Why Sign Up?
- Course Description
- Why are we Dramatically Different?
- Proof that we can Deliver
Course Description
Session 1 – Let’s Go On A Journey
Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese Military Strategist said, “Know your opponent and know yourself. Fight a hundred battles and win a hundred victories.”Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese Military Strategist said, “Know your opponent and know yourself. Fight a hundred battles and win a hundred victories.”
This session will enable you to know yourself and how you stand with regards to creativity, namely: Do I understand what is creativity? Do I have the right attitude to be creative? How creative am I now currently?
Session 2 – Creative Thinking Killers
By and large, the schools that we attend tend to nurture us to think analytically and logically. Sir Ken Robinson, in fact goes as far to say that schools in fact kill our creativity.
Session 2 describes the different types of Creativity Killers and teaches us how to deal with them.
Session 3 – Creative Thinking Boosters
We must not just deal with our Creativity Killers, we must also fortify ourselves. This chapter will teach you various ways to boost your Creative Thinking capability.
Session 4 – The PCAN Model
It is not possible to teach people to think creatively, instead this book teaches creative ways to solve problems.
The problems we are given in school are pre-defined where the boundaries are clear and precise. But in real life, the problems are complex. The scope of the problems can be unclear and imprecise.
The PCAN Model is a step-by-step approach in creative problem solving. It breaks problems down into bite sizes so that we can better understand and solve them.
Session 5 – The SCAMPER-Plus Technique
We are trained to think analytically and logically in school. Why don’t we harness this thinking to prompt us think creatively?
The SCAMPER Technique uses a “Checklist Approach”. As we go through the 7 components of SCAMPER, we will be prompted to think of many alternatives that we may not have thought of before.
You will also learn the SCAMPER-Plus Technique. It is a more powerful technique than SCAMPER
Session 6 – The Concept Possibilities Expansion Technique
In a brainstorming, we are encouraged to suggest any idea whether it makes sense or not. More often than not , it is the illogical or crazy idea that will lead to the innovative solution.
However, when we evaluate the ideas, we tend to adopt only the implementable and pragmatic ones. The “crazy and illogical” ideas are usually discarded, even if they are more likely to lead to innovative solutions.
There is a missing link between the “crazy and illogical ideas” and the “innovative yet pragmatic solutions”. This link is in Conceptualization where we extract the concept from each crazy idea and follow through to derive the innovative yet practical solution.
You will learn how to conceptualize which is fundamental to Creative Thinking. Not many discuss this topic in depth.
Session 7 – The Idea-Fission Technique
In a brainstorming session, we hope to harness the creative brainpower of the group. But, creative thinkers may withhold ideas they perceive to be crazy due to the Groupthink phenomenon.
Session 8 – The Problem Reversal Technique
The starting point in Creative Thinking is to look at our problems from a different perspective.
The Problem Reversal Technique teaches us to view our problems in unconventional ways. The more we reverse the problem statement, the more innovative the generated solutions would be. When you use this Technique, you will be able to produce creative ideas at the snap of your fingers.
Why This Course is Dramatically Different from the Others
You will master techniques will help you
think illogically to systematically generate many ideas or solutions.
These techniques are easy to understand and easy to apply.
- We use real-life challenges, examples, quizzes with suggested solutions, diagrams and photos to make our Creative Thinking know-how tangible.
- We have designed this course to compress more than 20 years of research into easy to understand materials which can be digested in 7 hours.
- In the videos, you have a caricature of a lecturer to replicate the feeling of someone coaching you, encouraging you and punching through learning points.
- We have selected 22 YouTube videos to complement our well-designed courseware.
- This course is proven and time-tested in the Singapore Management University and numerous corporate training workshops. The skills taught in this course really work.
This course is highly interactive and participatory – learning by doing.
Based on Experiential Learning that has proven to be a stimulating and effective way to influence attitude, behaviour, skills and knowledge.
The exercises and games are in the form of “edu-tainment” – designed to educate and entertain the participants.
Proof that we can Deliver

Time-Tested Courses
Courses are time-tested and have been taught at the Singapore Management University and delivered to numerous well-established organisations
Real-Life Examples & Challenges Solved
We use real-life challenges, examples, quizzes with suggested solutions, diagrams and photos to make our course know-how tangible

Real-Life Examples & Challenges Solved
We use real-life challenges, examples, quizzes with suggested solutions, diagrams and photos to make our course know-how tangible

Outcome of 20 years of Research
We designed our courses that compress more than 20 years of research into easy to understand materials which can be digested.
Money Back Guarentee
Attending this course is risk-free as there is a Money Back Guarantee.
Participant can seek full refund before end of the afternoon break on the 1st day of the workshop.

Money Back Guarentee
Attending this course is risk-free as there is a Money Back Guarantee.
Participant can seek full refund before end of the afternoon break on the 1st day of the workshop.
Excellent Testimonials
“Various Ways to Challenge Our Thinking”
“The workshop is very interesting & useful. It introduces various ways to challenge our thinking. More staff should be sent for this workshop. – “Superintendent of Selarang Park DRC, Singapore Prison
“Engage & Draws Participation”
“The trainer delivers at a comfortable pace and he is able to engage & draws participation from the audience. “
Business Development @ LifeBox JSCm
“Great Application Value”
“There were plenty of opportunities for participants to actively take part whether to discuss view points, share an experience or even to clarify points raised in the programme. I see great application value of the innovation techniques in the workplace.”
Manager (Customer Services), Ministry of Education