Skillshifu is a learning hub that aims to help unemployed PMETs, and tertiary students to
- get jobs
- stay employable
For those who are not seeking a job, we have entrepreneurship programs as well.
Why the Need to Bulletproof Your Job
Foreign talents pushed up the skills, knowledge and work time requirement and pushed down the wages.
The lack of necessary skills was the top challenge faced by employers trying to fill PMET vacancies, said MOM. It was cited by employers for 4 in 10 of the PMET vacancies they had trouble hiring locals for. There is a serious jobs-skills mismatch.
Our programs are designed to help job seekers reskill and upskill to prepare them for new job opportunities and to stay relevant to changing job requirements.
What are Skills to Bullet-Proof Your Job
portable skills and flexibility that help to improve their job mobility.
allowing them to pivot to careers
Following five groundbreaking workshops for
Skills to Survive
Instant Information Mastery Skill
Enables participants to gather information from numerous sources. Instant Information Mastery is the first step to skill mastery. It enables participants to pick up a skill just-in-time to get a job done.
BrainSwiping Skill
Allows participants to tap the wisdom and experience from subject matter experts. It enables participants to gain insights to a work problem to make better decisions so as to get a job done.
Collaboration Skill: BrainEEE Cards
Minimise the Workplace Conflicts and understand your team members’ thinking styles to better manage them and eventually improve your Team Performance through the discovery the strengths and weaknesses of each person’s Thinking Styles.
Skills to Succeed
Complex Problem-Solving & Creative Ideas On Demand Skills
According to World Economic Forum (WEF), Creativity and Complex-problem solving are two of the top three skills workers will need. With the avalanche of new products, new technologies and new ways of working, workers are going to have to become more creative in order to benefit from these changes.
According to WEF survey results, ‘More than one third (36%) of all jobs across all industries are expected by our respondents to require complex problem-solving as one of their core skills.’
Complex Problem Solving Skill give the employee the mental elasticity to solve problems we’ve never seen before, and being able to solve them in a landscape that’s changing at breakneck speed and getting more complex by the minute!
Enterprising Skill: MOLI + ZTH game
Why Consider SkillShifu?

Time-Tested Courses
Courses are time-tested and have been taught at the Singapore Management University and delivered to numerous well-established organisations
Real-Life Examples & Challenges Solved
We use real-life challenges, examples, quizzes with suggested solutions, diagrams and photos to make our course know-how tangible

Outcome of 20 years of Research
We designed our courses that compress more than 20 years of research into easy to understand materials which can be digested.

Money Back Guarantee
Attending this course is risk-free as there is a Money Back Guarantee.
Participant can seek full refund before end of the afternoon break on the 1st day of the workshop.
Money Back Guarantee
Attending this course is risk-free as there is a Money Back Guarantee.
Participant can seek full refund before end of the afternoon break on the 1st day of the workshop.

Time-Tested Courses
Courses are time-tested and have been taught at the Singapore Management University and delivered to numerous well-established organisations.
Real-Life Examples & Challenges Solved
We use real-life challenges, examples, quizzes with suggested solutions, diagrams and photos to make our course know-how tangible
Outcome of 20 years of Research

We designed our courses that compress more than 20 years of research into easy to understand materials which can be digested.
Money Back Guarantee
Attending this course is risk-free as there is a Money Back Guarantee.
Participant can seek full refund before end of the afternoon break on the 1st day of the workshop.
Excellent Testimonials
“Various Ways to Challenge Our Thinking”
“The workshop is very interesting & useful. It introduces various ways to challenge our thinking. More staff should be sent for this workshop. – “Superintendent of Selarang Park DRC, Singapore Prison
“Engage & Draws Participation”
“The trainer delivers at a comfortable pace and he is able to engage & draws participation from the audience. “
Business Development @ LifeBox JSCm
“Great Application Value”
“There were plenty of opportunities for participants to actively take part whether to discuss view points, share an experience or even to clarify points raised in the programme. I see great application value of the innovation techniques in the workplace.”
Manager (Customer Services), Ministry of Education
"Enabling the Enterprising Spirit"
“We see the benefits & relevance of MOLI Framework in enabling the Enterprising Spirit. The Zeros-To-Heros game helps us to see each other’s character & enterprising potential.”
Senior Vice President, SHC Capital Ltd (SGX Listed)