MOE Work Plan Seminar: Innovative and Implementable solutions
Dear Principal,
The school holidays are around the corner. I hope you have had time to consider the insights I shared in my email dated 18 Oct 2019. Since then, I have given much thought to how we can implement some innovative solutions.
Minister Ong posed these challenges at the MOE Work Plan Seminar:
Proposed Innovative Solutions
a) How to help students discover joy and develop stronger intrinsic motivation in learning (Para. 8 of the Work Plan Seminar)
1st Challenge posed at the MOE Work Plan Seminar: How to help students discover joy and develop stronger intrinsic motivation in learning (Para. 8 of the Work Plan Seminar)
“Letters to My Future Selves”
New Balance came up with this innovative advertising campaign featuring world-class athletes writing letters to their future selves. These letters reminded them of the goals and values which motivated them to succeed.
Proposed Innovative Solution:
“Letters to My Future Selves”
New Balance came up with this innovative advertising campaign featuring world-class athletes writing letters to their future selves. These letters reminded them of the goals and values which motivated them to succeed.
Sample Letter: Boris Berian – “Letter to My Future Self”
Boris Berian rose from being a fast food line cook to an Olympic finalist and World champion runner in 18 months.
He wrote:
“Remember when NO ONE believed in you?
And you were on your own…Fearless.
Remember all of it! Because that is what made you. Remember all of it, every time you put it on the line! Remember yourself!”
If we meet, allow me to share a detailed sample Letter.
We can draw inspiration from this advertising campaign to help students develop stronger intrinsic motivation in learning:
The idea is to select high achievers and involve them in writing a “letter to their future selves” and use these letters to inspire other students. This approach will spur students to take ownership of their own futures.
Every day represents a new beginning; a new opportunity for self-improvement. Students will be taught to redefine their personal ambitions, motivations and sense of purpose.
What students would say to their future selves is a powerful realization of their fears, values, ambitions and the type of person they want to become.
To widen the scope and impact of this initiative, I propose a contest. Let students write their own letter to their future selves about their aspirations in academic performance and life.
Value of the “Letters to My Future Selves” Contest
This contest will:
- spur students to strengthen their intrinsic motivation
- showcase their talents
- leave a positive footprint for future student cohorts
I believe this is a brilliant brainwave. Students who write to teachers or friends are prone to exaggeration and even untruths. But if they write to themselves, they will try to be honest to themselves.
“To thy own self be true”.
William Shakespeare
Selected “Letters to My Future Selves” can be published as articles in school or other publications or shared as videos posted on the school website or presented at school assemblies, and School Open House and Parent-Teacher Meetings
b) How to help students to achieve excellent learning outcomes without emphasising an overly competitive culture? (Para 9)
2nd Challenge posed at the MOE Work Plan Seminar: How to help students to achieve excellent learning outcomes without emphasising an overly competitive culture? (Para 9)
Tapping into the Subconscious Mind
It is widely recognized that our subconscious mind is a powerful tool in promoting cognition and memory.
Proposed Innovative Solution:
Tapping into the Subconscious Mind
It is widely recognized that our subconscious mind is a powerful tool in promoting cognition and memory.

I taught the Creative Thinking module at the Singapore Management University (SMU) for more than 5 years. I have shared with SMU undergrads a step-by-step approach to tap into their subconscious minds.
If we meet, do allow me to share more on:
- What is the subconscious mind?
- Does your Subconscious Mind sleep?
- How to tap into your subconscious mind?

Tapping into the sub-conscious mind is an excellent way to help students achieve excellent learning outcomes without emphasising an overly competitive culture.
c) How to enable students to achieve different learning paces regardless of academic inclination? (Para 10)
3rd Challenge posed at the MOE Work Plan Seminar: How to enable students to achieve different learning paces regardless of academic inclination? (Para 10)
“Student Mastermind Group” Initiative
“No mind is complete by itself. It needs contact and association
with other minds to grow and expand.”
Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich”
Proposed Innovative Solution:
“Student Mastermind Group” Initiative
“No mind is complete by itself. It needs contact and association with other minds to grow and expand.”
Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich”
What is a “Student Mastermind Group”?
It is a small group of 3 to 4 students who share their individual goals. They meet regularly to share their progress and hold one another accountable to achieving these goals. These meetings may be face-to-face, via WhatsApp or via Google Hangout.
Members in such groups will support one another in their learning journeys and Encourage one another to IMPROVE

Benefits of the Student Mastermind Groups
- Students challenge, motivate and learn from each other
- Students solve problems together
- Students build self-confidence and gain support from their peers
When students set their own goals, they aligned them to their academic capability. Hence, the Mastermind Groups enable students to achieve different learning paces.
d) How to re-shape the social environment to boost students’ self-confidence? (MOE Budget Debate 2019, para 67)
4th Challenge posed at the MOE Work Plan Seminar: How to re-shape the social environment to boost students’ self-confidence? (MOE Budget Debate 2019, para 67)
The “Caring-Plus Scheme”
This innovative scheme reinforces good progress and behaviour. The premise is “Every student is a good student”.
Proposed Innovative Solution:
The “Caring-Plus Scheme”
This innovative scheme reinforces good progress and behaviour. The premise is “Every student is a good student”.

The “Caring-Plus Scheme” is a platform to share feedback, praise, and appreciation. This scheme is a great way to show the school cares.
I will share how to set up the proposed scheme when we meet.
The “Caring-Plus Scheme” is a powerful tool to boost students’ self-confidence. Group recognition, a sense of belonging and a caring environment will help in no small way to enhance performance.
What prompted this email?
These are the reasons why I responded to the challenges posed by the MOE Work Plan Seminar:
- I am an educationist-at-heart. Nothing is more fulfilling and meaningful to me after 35 years of working experience, than adding value to education.
- I champion Creativity. For this reason, I devised Creative Thinking Techniques:
- SCAMPER-Plus Technique
- Problem Reversal Technique
- Concept Possibility Expansion Technique
- Instant Information Mastery Technique
Applying these techniques help to generate creative ideas leading to innovative solutions.
I earnestly hope that my proposed innovative solutions will help your school fulfil the challenges posed by Minister Ong.
Let us meet at your convenience to discuss how the following can be tailored to the needs of your school:
- “Letters to My Future Selves” Initiative
- Tapping into the Sub-conscious Mind
- “Student Mastermind Group”
- The “Caring-Plus Scheme”
Thank you for your kind consideration and hope to see you soon.
Warmest regards,
Richard Mak
Email: mak@skillshifu.com
Mobile: 96693600
My Profile

I was a former Director of Business Studies with a post-secondary statutory board and an award-winning lecturer. I have lectured extensively in world-renowned MBA programmes in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta with the University of Leeds, Open University, Maastricht School of Management and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.
For more information, please see https://www.richardmak.net/
MOE Work Plan Seminar:
Challenges Posed & How to Tackle them Effectively
MOE Work Plan Seminar:
Innovative & Implementable Solutions
MOE Work Plan Seminar:
Life Transforming Project @ 21-Day Challenge
MOE Work Plan Seminar:
One Integrated Project for 4 Challenges/Solutions
Let’s move things forward
Do call me at 96693600 or drop me your details in the form below & I will get in touch with you.
Let’s start talk about the MOE Work Plan Seminar.